Felicity O`Dell, Michael McCarthy - English Vocabulary in Use. Elementary

Издательство: Cambridge University Press
c. 176
2001 г.
Мягкая обложка
ISBN: 0-521-59957-1, 0-521-65625-7
Формат: 195x264

От издателя:
"English Vocabulary in Use Elementary" is primarily designed as a self-study reference and practice vocabulary book, but it can also be used for classroom work. "English Vocabulary in Use Elementary": 60 easy-to-use units: vocabulary items are presented and explained on left-hand pages with a range of follow-up activities on right-hand pages. Presents and explains new words in context and shows learners how to use them and how to work out rules for using them. Based on a corpus of real written and spoken language to ensure the vocabulary is relevant and up-to-date. Contains a comprehensive, student-friendly answer key. Includes a detailed index with phonemic transcriptions to help with the pronunciation of difficult vocabulary. Is beautifully illustrated in full colour.
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